Welcome to the Anti-Racism Resources Pages!

As disturbing images of violence perpetrated against black people by police continue to shock the nation, as COVID-19 spreads, disproportionately affecting black and brown communities, and as the resulting economic collapse destabilizes those already vulnerable communities, it is as though a bright light has been turned upon the nation, illuminating the institutional and structural racism underpinning American society. For some it is a moment of awakening and racial reckoning. For others it is a moment of long awaited vindication.  Finally this country, that so loudly trumpets freedom and equality to the outside world, is interrogating itself.

In response to these events the Harvard Club of Southern California has formed an Anti-Racism Committee. The purpose of this committee is three fold:

  • To EDUCATE Harvard alumni in Southern California about racial inequality
  • To ENGAGE with each other on these issues
  • To SUPPORT efforts to dismantle systemic racism in all its forms and support the black community, particularly in Southern California

At Harvard we are taught to become life-long learners - we are pushed to ask questions to critically review and analyze content, to be curious about how our world works and how it doesn't, and we are equipped to find solutions to identified problems.

Dexter Gate is widely known for the inscription on its crest: Enter to grow in wisdom. On the reverse side, another inscription reads: Depart to Serve Better Thy Country and Thy Kind. Every person is at a different stage of awareness and activism on this path of anti-racism work. We strive to provide the Harvard community with opportunities to hear from experts, participate in workshops, engage with one another, and work with the Southern California community, so that wherever you may be on this path you will continue to move forward.

Check out the BOOKS and ARTICLES to learn more about systemic racism and ways to address it. If you would like to support the black community here are PLACES TO DONATE as well as a list of BLACK-OWNED BUSINESSES in Southern California.

This is a time for self-reflection but, more importantly, for action. We hope these resources and events will be helpful and welcome suggestions for future events and information that we can share with our community. We can all do something to make this a more equitable society. Let’s get to work!

Madeleine Mejia EdM ’00

John Luna ’03
Maiya Williams Verrone ’84

Marsha Hirano-Nakanishi EdD ’81

Committee Chairs
Harvard Club of Southern California, Anti-Racism Committee