Be an Interviewer!


Thank you for your interest in becoming an alumnus/alumna interviewer for Harvard College. Each year, members of our Schools & Scholarships Committee recruit and evaluate applicants to Harvard College. In the process, they cultivate critical relationships with parents, guidance counselors, other alumni/ae, and the general public. As the competition among colleges for the best students increases, so does our need for your help.

We have set records in recent years for applications from the Southern California region. The Admissions Office views the alumni interview as a critical component of a candidate’s application, making it crucial for our area to have sufficient numbers of interviewers to meet the demands of the applicant pool. It is our goal to provide interviews for all of our local applicants in the Southern California area, so now, more than ever, we are indebted to our team of alumni interviewers who take on this monumental task.

We are grateful that you are interested in joining our efforts. Both undergraduate and graduate alumni of Harvard University are eligible to serve as interviewers. Please email your name, school, class year, address, home and work phone numbers, and preferred email address to Harry Kim at He will get in touch with you regarding area assignments.