Why Join?


Harvard wants you! Joining the Club is an excellent way to maintain your connection with Harvard University. The Club is the official Harvard alumni organization for all Harvard graduates living in the Southern California area and is recognized as such by the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA). In Southern California we are privileged to have one of the largest and most active Harvard Clubs in the country. Our large membership base ranges from Los Angeles County to Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura Counties. Events sponsored by club members take place throughout the region. We offer six or more programs per month, some in conjunction with other Harvard alumni groups and with Ivy League Clubs.  


If you are already a member - or have been a member - you are acquainted with the wide array of programs sponsored by the Club. Recent offerings have included networking events, art gallery showings, private movie screenings, concerts, operas, theater events, recent grad mixers, wine tastings, author book talks, and programs with Harvard's president, faculty members, and administrators. In addition, Club members are invited to events sponsored by other Harvard Shared Interest Groups, professional school clubs, and Ivy League clubs. Here's just a partial listing of Club events:


  • An Evening at the Magic Castle
  • "Hamilton" tickets
  • Hollywood Bowl Concerts and Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach
  • Ski weekend at Mammoth
  • Visit to the Getty Villa in Malibu
  • Harvard-Yale Game Annual Telecast
  • Harvard Din & Tonics and Krokodiloes Concert
  • Annual Holiday Lunch Service to the Homeless

Only members receive our informative monthly newsletter and discounted admission to events. Membership is reasonably priced. The Club maintains an active web site at www.harvardsocal.org. The site provides event details and registration, Club involvement opportunities, community service activities and recent graduates information. Our Club members are entitled to attend events offered at over 185 Harvard Clubs throughout the world through the HAA's Crimson Pass program. Join or renew online now!

The Club is also about giving back to the community and to Harvard. We have a vigorous community service outreach program. The Club awards two community service fellowships each summer to local Harvard undergraduates, and our 1000 member strong Schools Committee, whose activities are supported entirely by member dues, recruits and interviews about 2500 applicants to the College each year. We also sponsor a Harvard Prize Book program at approximately 200 local high schools each year.