Harvard Alumni Run for Congress in Southern California - Candidates Forum (EVENT POSTPONED)

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED. HKS LA and the SoCal Harvard Club are hosting a candidates' forum featuring Harvard alums who are non-incumbent congressional candidates in Southern California.

This event has been postponed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Ever get frustrated with Congress? Ever wish someone would DO SOMETHING? Well, our classmates have stepped up to the plate, and you are invited to come hear what they have to say.

HKS LA and the SoCal Harvard Club are hosting a candidates' forum featuring Harvard alums who are non-incumbent congressional candidates in Southern California.

2012 promises to be another pivotal election. With the control of the Presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives hanging in the balance, this is a rare opportunity to talk politics and see these three Harvard alums in action:

    •    Raul Ruiz MPP '01, MD '01, MPH '07 running for CA-36
    •    Jay Chen AB '01 running for CA-39
    •    Mark Takano AB '83 running for CA-41

10:00 - Continental Breakfast and Networking
11:00 - Candidates' Forum

Cost: No charge
Contact: Leah Wyman, lwyman2@yahoo.com

Special Note: This event features Harvard alumni who are first time political candidates, who are attempting to enter public service as elected officials.  The event is not a fundraiser and no solicitations will be made.